AligatoCoin-Making Life Easier For Everyone Using E-Commerce Platforms.

                          Hello Readers, How’s life treating all of you, hoping we’re all in a good state, through this article we’d like to introduce much deeper about AligatoCoin, it’s e-commerce market in Poland and the world is growing at a dizzying pace, absorbing new technologies in making life easier for everyone using e-commerce platforms. However, these few companies, which are the leaders in the global market, introduce the required improvements too slowly, or not at all. but with AligatoCoin, Everythings can be done better then before. The Aligato 2.0 platform foundation’s is on top of the blockchain will ensure safety, stability and transparency at a level unattainable by the solutions available so far. The Pay via Eye payment system, operating through ordinary cameras in smartphones or computers, will additionally strengthen the security of buyers. Artificial intelligence will facilitate shopping, searching for items and any interaction with the platform. Autonomous delivery drones automate the final stage of product delivery to the customer, and the entire system will be based on the existing infrastructure. Its introduction will therefore not be long-term.

The Aligato team vision is in processing of developing appropriate technological, logistical and legislative solutions. that some parts are already patented then. As an industry that emerged as a result of the Internet upheaval, the edges of utilizing technology to improve your business strategy are notable to you. But then, there is a significant number of online business players that haven’t totally utilized technology to improve their businesses.

E-Commerce Challanges

The e-commerce ecosystem is an avenue where one can discover distinctive brands of items originating from different merchants, shops or individual displayed on a single platform, The e-commerce market place enables the business administrators to charge a cut on the items that the merchants offer, this approach exponentially expands the profit opportunity.The e-commerce ecosystem provides more transparent environment for suppliers and buyers to establish new trading relationship either within or across their supply chain, despite the enormous opportunity provided by e-commerce, the industry still faced with significant challenges.

  1. High cost of delivery: the current e-commerce ecosystem involves some intermediaries such as investment banks etc that charges very high on every transactions.
  2. Intrusive product advertisements;
  3. Long waiting for the delivery of the product;;
  4. Another one is the trust issue: Trust between the buyers and the sellers plays a very critical role in achieving the goal of e-commerce;
  5. Accessibility: Difficulties in finding the product you are looking for is another big challenge
  6. Dissatisfaction: This often experienced when when we order for stuffs online, some e-commerce coy will either sent a damaged material to the buyer, this causes great dissatisfaction in the system.
  7. Other challenges includes, price competition, quality assurance etc

The AligatoCoin Platform

AligatoCoin, is a blockchain platform that makes life and e-commerce activities easier by providing unique, pioneering solutions that the advanced technological achievements allow while maintaining universal and proven methods where they function without any problems.

How it works ?

Unique Features

The growth of technological innovation enables AligatoCoin to further create and incorporate some unique features such as Pay via Eye payment system, Autonomous delivery drones and artificial intelligence (AI) with trading platforms in the e-commerce and delivery system.

The features such as Pay via Eye payment system, operating through cell phones and PC’s cameras, will additionally fortify the security of buyers. Approval of transactions is done by means of the iris scan, which has been able to act as biometric security.

Autonomous delivery drones automate the final stage of product delivery to the customer, and the entire system will be based on the existing infrastructure.

Artificial intelligence machines will help to perform business activities such as shopping, searching for items etc in the platform, will f shopping, searching for items and any interaction with the platform. Sellers can likewise rely on AI’s assistance for stock administration, it helps limit the amount of time on searching for your desired items, AI can also be used to adjust search algorithms, streamline complaint processes or technical support.

The Aligato project offers wide range of opportunity to both buyers and sellers in the e-commerce ecosystem, the platform will enable the use of its native currency(AligatoCoin) to facilitate secure transaction, purchase goods and pay fees and commissions at a relatively low cost. This will ensure safety, flexibility and transparency among the users in the Aligato platform

The Roadmap

Token Distribution

AligatoCoin token is created with the ERC20 standard in the Ethereum network.

  • Name of Token: AligatoCoin
  • Symbol: ALC
  • Platform: Ethereum (ERC20)
  • The amount of all tokens: 100 000 000 ALC
  • Soft Cap: 1 000 000 ALC
  • Goal: 35 000 000 ALC
  • Hard Cap: 70 000 000 ALC
  • Accepted currencies: BTC, ETH
  • The distribution process: Tokens will be sent to investors addresses after completing the ICO

Token Economy

The AligatoCoin token in ERC20 standard will be created in the number of 100,000,000 units, of which 70,000,000 will be available for sale. The developers focused on the Proof of Stake technology, which offers many advantages over Proof of Work technology. PoS is a greener process (it consumes much less energy), it favors decentralization, but it is also more user-friendly. It offers a significant benefit to users in the form of a return on investment for its mere storage on the wallet. In Aligato blockchain, it will be based on two types of nodes:

Confirmation Node

The number of tokens necessary to run the node: 3000 ALC

Annual return: ~ 4% + commission for transactions

Staking Wallet: ALC desktop wallet for Windows / Mac / Linux / RaspberryPI

Full Node

The number of tokens needed to run the node: 25,000 ALC

Annual return: ~ 7% + commission for transactions

Staking Wallet: ALC linux wallet / ready disk image

The Team

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Author : Asongotan

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